Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We're pregnant!!!

Two years and six miscarriages ago we found out we were pregnant for the first time... We were so happy and so excited... But sadly our excitement was short lived. In a matter of a few weeks we were completely devestated when we lost our baby. I can't describe the pain we felt, it was the saddest moment of my life... It was even more painful the second time we miscarried- we lost our baby girl days after seeing that reassuring heartbeat at 7 1/2 weeks but then didn't discover that we lost her until several weeks later followed by unexpected surgery to remove the pregnancy. Our third baby didn't have a heartbeat at the first seven week scan, the doctor reassured us that we probably miscalculated and we checked again a week later, still no heartbeat, and again surgery.  At that point we were referred to a specialist and after several months of agonizing tests and two more miscarriages that were detected very early we finally were given an answer to the cause of our losses... A unique chromosomal abnormality. That answer was hard to swallow, it meant that there is a 50 percent chance each time we get pregnant that our pregnancy will not continue and we will lose our baby! Thankfully we found a way around it, and only lost one more baby since finding out the problem.  Two years and six miscarriages later, months of unsuccessful attempts to achieve pregnancy we finally got our big fat positive while on our annual family trip to Minocqua on August 21, 2011! Finally!

We went in to see our specialist a few weeks later to verify by ultrasound that everything was progressing normally with this pregnancy. I was so terrified that there was going to be something wrong I was practically sick to my stomach. With Luke by my side, holding my hand as I looked away from the screen (I was too scared to look) I heard our doctor say the following words "Alright, let's have a look at your (short pause) TWINS!!" I thought she was joking, until I looked for myself... Sure enough there were two babies with two strong heartbeats... I couldn't stop crying happy tears! Luke kept talking about losing his hair ;)

For everything we have been through we feel so incredibly blessed to be having two babies!!!

The news didn't sink in until about 4 am the next morning when I awoke from a dead sleep in a panic thinking- oh my goodness we are having two babies TWO!!! I didn't sleep much that night, or the nights following... Or really any night since... Mostly because I wake up to pee or because I am absolutely ravenous and I need food NOW!

Today, I'm 10weeks and 2 days along, the furthest by a couple weeks that I've ever made it. Everything is going well so far. At the first ultrasound the babies we both measuring a few days behind my due date (which I was told is completely normal during the first trimester) and their heartbeats were 139bpm and 141bpm- oh and the babies are fraternal in case you were wondering. Luke couldn't get off work to come to the second ultrasound because it was scheduled on short notice (the doctor ordered an ultrasound because around 8 weeks I started losing some of my symptoms and we wanted to be sure everything was okay) So Luke's Mom Gail came to my rescue and came to the appointment with me (I learned my lesson about going to these things alone during my second pregnancy- I was there alone when I found out the baby died and I didn't have any cell phone reception and they tech left me all alone in the room for a long time and I didn't have a way to call anyone) I was very grateful to again see both babies and two heartbeats and to my surprise both babies had grown significantly and were measuring exactly to the day in line with my due date! Their heartbeats were in the high 170's! After the ultrasound the doctor called me to tell me the babies looked good but they did notice some bleeding (a blood clot) behind one of the placentas but not to worry because they are very common during the first trimester... Of course I worried and asked a ton of questions but long story short there was absolutely nothing I could do about it- so even though it meant a slight risk of miscarriage if it got worse I didn't let myself worry. (which by the way is a big step for me as you can imagine).  I haven't had any signs or symptoms that anything has gone wrong, so I am just trusting that everything is okay.

Here are some ultrasound pictures:
The first is 7w1d, and the second is 8w5d

I had my first OB appointment this morning, I also got kicked out of my doctors office for the remainder of this pregnancy as well... the clinic I go to is a family practice clinic that does provide OB care, but not if you are carrying multiples.  I knew this was going to happen the day we found out it was twins so thankfully it wasn't a surprise.  My doctor (at the clinic I got kicked out of) actually has a set of fraternal twins herself so she had lots of good advice and experiences to offer me- things I probably would have never thought of.  For example, when the babies arrive to make it well known that visitors are welcome but we are not "hosting" anything (we will be far too busy and tired) so if you come to visit you have to bring food and/or be prepared to clean something in exchange for your visit. I thought that was cute, but she was serious- she said that neither her or her husband had time to even think about cooking a meal or loading the dishwasher for the first 6 months- they hardly had time to take a shower...   Let's just say that I am thoroughly prepared to enjoy every dull moment for the next 6 months because there won't be one for a long long time after these babies arrive!  My doctor also referred me to the doctor that delivered her set of twins, which I am really happy about because she had a really good experience as well as a natural birth (which is what I really want).

So my newest goal is to eat tons of protein and start gaining weight, I've actually lost almost 10 pounds since becoming pregnant (I haven't been throwing up at all (yet) but I feel nauseous a lot and I can't seem to eat much at a time) and I'm supposed to gain 50 pounds during this pregnancy!

More to come soon...

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