Sunday, October 16, 2011

12 weeks today!

Well ladies and gentlemen, today marks another important milestone in our pregnancy- we are twelve weeks today! It's amazing to think that in 23-28 (I'm hoping closer to 28) weeks we will have 2 new babies. Generally the middle of the 13 week of pregnancy marks the end of the first trimester, (or a third of a pregnancy) but I've most likely already passed the one third mark for carrying twins (the doctors keep telling me to be prepared to deliver about 5 weeks early)! Yikes. Up until now it's felt like time has been passing so slowly, but now it seems like it's speeding up and the big day is coming soon!

I've been feeling a lot of pressure (more than usual) to get our house and our lives organized. I've decided to face the facts even though it's difficult for me to accept- we are going to need a lot of help for the first 3-6 months after our babies arrive and if and when we have friends and family to help us I want them to be able to find things around our house without trouble... Am I nesting already?

I'm working on a list of all the things I need to get done, and hopefully I'll have the energy to accomplish some of these things in the next couple of months. Right now I'm really depending on a lot of help from Luke and anyone else willing to help...

This weekend, (we got a good start yesterday and finished today) we cleaned out the garage! Finally! I've been wanting to get this project done all summer so it sure feels good to have it done. We have the worst garage ever- and I seriously considered burning it down as a realistic option to take care of the mess, but thankfully my friend Janelle talked some sense into me by explaining that I would most likely end up in jail (and I would have my babies in jail) thinking back on that now that the job is complete it was a much more practical solution to just suck it up and clean it so afterall I'm glad I chose plan B!

So, if you haven't ever seen our garage you are probably wondering what makes it the worst garage ever... Well I shall explain: it is divided down the middle into two separate rooms and each "room" has a separate manual door that slides open and shut from side to side; Both doors cannot be completely open at the same time; it is unattached from our house; our driveway has not for several years (possibly a decade) reached our garage (it's gravel- seriously overgrown with grass); I can only fit my car in the garage if I fold in the mirrors... Drive really slow and then climb out the hatch in the back; Luke's car does not fit at all.

Our garage is basically a glorified shed... And although it's the worst and has a lot of cons it does have some pro's too: it has electricity; it's big and spacious; it stays dry; it's sturdy.

I hope that someday we can build an attached garage onto our house and knock down the glorified shed, but for now we are just making the best of what we have. It would be most useful to have an attached garage in which our cars actually fit during our cold and snowy Wisconsin winters as we are not big fans of scraping snow and ice off our cars every time it snows.

So our garage cleaning was VERY successful, we got rid of a ton of stuff! We had a huge pile of cardboard (boxes from when we moved 2 1/2 years ago, nursery furniture and various other boxes), all of the garage sale leftovers (packed in my car to go to Goodwill), a desk and gas stove (thanks to craigslist) that came with our house, and a WHOLE BUNCH of garbage thanks to "The Bagster"! "The Bagster" is this amazing product available from Waste Management that you can buy at almost any hardware/ home improvement store for $30. You set the "Bagster" in your yard and fill it with garbage... Up to 3,300lbs of garbage!!! It holds so much stuff it's amazing! When it's full- took us only a couple hours to fill it- you call up Waste Management and they come to pick it up for $100 and it's gone. GONE just like that. AWESOME! What a terrific idea and a great alternative to a giant dumpster!

Luke and I are both totally exhausted but also feel very accomplished. Steven had a blast playing outside all day on his swingset, catching bugs, riding his bike and playing football.

Steven has swimming lessons on Sunday afternoons and thankfully we finished this whole shenanagin right before we had to leave. I have some cute pictures of him at his lesson tonight but I'll have to post them tomorrow. After swimming we headed to Goodwill to drop off our carload of donation items but we were 12 minutes late... So all of the stuff is still packed in my car and I'll just have to drop it off in the morning. After going to Goodwill we stopped at the grocery store and picked up a few things for dinner and headed home to finish the little bit of homework Steven had left to do and to have dinner... Mmmmm chicken Alfredo and salad... Yummy! Next we got Steven showered, read books and tucked him into bed- followed by folding some laundry and cleaning up the kitchen... Now Luke and I are both falling asleep watching the first 10 minutes of the nine o' clock news... Ha!


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